Serious Stress Relief with Kinesiology

I am so thankful that I had a kinesiology session with Arlene (Arlene Green, US ICPKP faculty member). I am in a stressful sales management position. My father is terminally ill and in the final stage of his cancer. As if this wasn't enough stress, I then had a miscarriage (my third) and I went into overload. I couldn't handle anything. I was so emotional, couldn't sleep, and couldn't face anyone or make decisions. After one session I felt immediate results. I could talk without crying and I was very relaxed and had a calmness feeling. When I went back to the office, I was amazed at the number of people who commented on my change. They had no idea where I had been but I want to tell everyone because it is such a successful technique. (L.T., NC, USA)
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