Tiredness and depression replaced by energy and positivity

originally by the ICPKP Webmaster 10:22 AM, 16 March 2009 NZDT
last edited 10:23 AM, 16 March 2009 NZDT
When I went to see [ICPKP Student Practitioner, Laika van Oostveen] in 2007, I was in a state of despair and was desperate for something to help so that I could see a light at the end of my tunnel of helplessness, tiredness and depression. I suffered with bouts of tiredness, with no energy and depression all my life. I was also diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago and I realize that I needed some help desperately if I wanted to survive.
If I had any doubt about the theory of Kinesiology I changed my mind within the first few minutes. I was surprised how many of my unspoken fears and emotions were picked up during the therapy. It finally started making sense why I had my illnesses. I am so very grateful that after my four Kinesiology sessions I changed from a grumpy 63-year-old retired lady to an energetic positive 63-year-young lady.

L.R., South Africa
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