Dr. Bruce Dewe MD Journal

Acupuncture best for chronic headaches and migraines?

A study led by Andrew Vickers, a researcher at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, was published online by the British Medical Journal (BMJ). It claims acupuncture is the best treatment for people who suffer from chronic headaches. After completing this, the largest study on the effectiveness of acupuncture for treating migraines, Vickers says, "Acupuncture leads to persisting, clinically relevant benefits for primary care patients with chronic headache, particularly migraine." The 401 patients who suffered from several days of severe headache each week were allotted randomly to either a group that received up to 12 acupuncture treatments per week or to a control group that received conventional headache treatment, based on medication.
The severity of headaches in the acupuncture group fell by 34 per cent over a year compared to a decline of 16 percent in the control group. Also, on average they suffered 22 fewer days of headache per year, made 25 percent fewer doctor visits, were absent from work through sickness 15 percent less often than the control group and used 15 percent less medication. Vickers said that these findings should be taken into account by policymakers when assessing the most cost-effective way of treating patients.

Does kinesiology help migraines? Yes my experience is that kinesiology does help migraines. Professional Kinesiology Practitioners always assess the presence of under- and over-energy in the acupuncture meridians using sophisticated indicator muscle testing. Pain is associated with over-energy. The Gallbladder meridian is frequently the culprit.

Are there any controlled studies using kinesiology?  Sadly, there are not. Studies of this kind require enormous funding and the resources of a university. Most kinesiology practitioners work alone or in small, under-funded clinics and health centres. All we have are the testimonials of patient successes.

Professional Kinesiology Practitioners have a distinct advantage over acupuncturists because kinesiology is more holistic. No matter what the concern, Professional Kinesiology Practitioners address issues of the physical, chemical (including nutritional), mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of any problem or situation. Wherever there is pain there is an emotional component. All aspects of an issue are best addressed. Frequently a kinesiologist will find a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids and minerals in the diet. I have had much success using supplements of these items. Even used alone, when a kinesiologist is not available, people taking omega-3 fatty acids and a multi-mineral in moderately high doses have had success at decreasing the frequency and severity of migraines.

I invite both kinesiologists and clients to submit stories of success with migraines using kinesiology. If you have a success story please share it with the world by emailing ICPKP - we will post it on our PKP Client Comments page. The more stories the better!  There is a place for anecdotal evidence such as this. Kinesiology needs to be investigated using the so-called "black-box" method because although there is a protocol that Professional Kinesiology Practitioners follow, each client is unique and no standard "doses" or treatments are prescribed. Our 'advantage' in relation to treatment becomes a disadvantage in relation to constructing research protocols. Professional Kinesiology Practitioners, work to deal with each individual client's energy imbalance by finding the source of this and assisting the client to make changes that create balance and harmony in all aspects of their lives.

If you do not have a source of omega-3s and multi-minerals, email Professional Health Products on orders@icpkp.com and quote this column.

Dr Bruce A. J. Dewe MD NZRK
25 March 2004

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