Dr. Bruce Dewe MD Journal

Grieving and Rejoicing

The PKP Family of Faculty Members, Students and Graduates grieves the sudden passing of Senior Faculty Member Jean-Claude PIGOUT, Principal of the College FranÇais de Kinesiologie, 95 allée d'Alsace, Vitrolles, 13127, France.

I find myself weeping at the passing of a very good, kind and gracious man, yet at the same time giving thanks because I was privileged to be his friend.

I think of the dozens of students whose lives have been changed because they came under the loving, caring influence of Jean-Claude's wisdom and his teaching. His influence will live on through them.

Jean-Claude was a pioneer for PKP in France with a dedication to life-long growth and learning. In the midst of grief, memories of good times flood in as well. I also recall the many good times we have shared together. I will never forget the night Jean-Claude used his wife's electric hair-dryer to make the charcoal on the barbecue heat up quicker when we shared a meal at his home.

France is the poorer for his passing but the whole world is a better place because Jean-Claude PIGOUT lived among us.

The PKP Family grieves his passing and rejoices that the life of Jean-Claude PIGOUT was one of beauty and meaning.

Dr Bruce A. J. Dewe MD NZRK
12 March 2004

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