Dr. Bruce Dewe MD Journal

Anger, Weight Gain and Cardiovascular Disease

Google Health News http://news.google.com/news/en/us/health.html quotes a Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc report that teenagers who don't manage their anger have a greater risk of weight management problems. Prof. William H. Mueller, professor of behavioral science at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, is quoted as saying. "Problems expressing anger can translate into eating disorders and increased weight, which leads to a high risk of cardiovascular disease at a young age."

Prof. Mueller's "anger expression" score calculated by adding the "anger in" score with the "anger out" score and dividing that number by the "anger control" score presented at the American Heart Association's 44th annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention makes worthwhile reading. (http://www.nbc11.com/health/2905571/detail.html)

Can a Professional Kinesiology Practitioner help with anger management? 
The short answer is yes. PKP Practitioners are well equiped to assist clients cope with anger management problems. Looking at incidents and issues that trigger outbursts, as counsellors and psychologists do may not be enough and can be a very time-consuming process. PKP practitioners who specialise in energy medicine use a completely different, annd unique approach. Professional Kinesiology Practitioners look for imbalances in the body's energy circuits caused by chemical, mental, emotional, spiritual or other stressors. A PKP practitioner will isolate the meridian energy circuit that is affected (under- or over-energised) and diffuse blockages or outages in meridians and other energy circuits. The result is a more balanced approach to life. Old issues from the past that impinge on the present may need to be diffused in a similar manner before resolution and new behaviours can take place.

Self-help for anger and other stress-related conditions.
No matter whether you are the person with the anger problem or the person enduring the anger responses the simple, effective Emotional Freedom through ESR technique downloadable from this site will give you help. It is not a substitute for professional care by a Registered Kinesiologist, or other health professional but is an effective self-help technique. Click here to read more.

Dr Bruce A. J Dewe MD NZRK
9 March 2004

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