Dr. Bruce Dewe MD Journal

Diet and Dieting, Weight Loss or Shedding Weight

People asked me recently, "have you lost weight Bruce?" "Yes, I have", I said with delight. Why did I want to lose it? It was because I had 'found' it lurking around my waist - yet again. At one time or another, most of us accumulate a few extra kilos and want or need to shed them. Most people who comment on diet plans will tell you that it is important to make lifestyle changes and not just do the latest fad diet. This is true. Others will comment that the first three letters of diet are "die" and that's what it feels like. This also feels true on some of the diets I have tried.

To be safe, the ingredients of shedding weight need to include exercise, water and an eating plan that includes all the daily nutrients.

Exercise and weight loss. Fat cells do not burn fat. Muscles burn fat when you exercise. Walking is a safe form of exercise for most people. Resistance training burns fat more efficiently. Walking up hill provides resistance. However, if in doubt, see your health professional before embarking on any exercise programme. Exercise is important to maintain muscle mass, as is easily digested protein. If you do not do this, you will tend to lose muscle as you 'diet' and immediately put on weight afterwards.

Water and weight loss. You need water to do the chemical process of converting tri-glycerides (storage fats) into free-fatty-acids which you can burn for energy. This is why all good plans include water. The usual suggestion is 6 - 8x 200ml glasses a day (more in summer-time).

Change of Eating Habit. This is necessary too. I like to use GNLD's NouriShake as a meal substitute on a daily basis (my breakfast) so that I start the day with a good balance of protein and carbohydrate. I choose this because the "Protogard" process delivers energy over a 3 - 4 hour period which means I don't get hungry before lunch. To loose a couple of kilos, I simply use the NouriShake for two meals a day and "re-examine" what is on my plate at the other meals. One question I am ask myself is, "Am I getting 5 - 9 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables today".

I find seven days is an acceptable time for me to do a diet, weight-loss programme or shed some weight. Below is a link to a 2 page newsletter that Joan and I sent to our GNLD customers in Nov 2003. One page of the newsletter is the seven day plan that Joan and I followed with success. Yes, we did increase our water intake. Yes, we did walk more. Yes, we did re-examine what we were eating, increasing the salads and reducing the tipples and chips. Yes, we used GNLDs products too as stated in the attached .pdf document.

If you do not have a source of GNLD products, email Professional Health Products on orders@icpkp.com and quote this column. If you are in New Zealand, tell the office staff that Dr Dewe said you could have distributor rates for this order!

DeweNovNewsletter2003.pdf To download this file, right-click the link and click "Save Target As".

Dr Bruce A. J. Dewe MD NZRK
3 March 2004

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