Dr. Bruce Dewe MD Journal

An Orange a Day

Today, Jan 14 2004, www.realage.com quoted a report suggesting that getting 1,200 milligrams of vitamin C per day from food and supplements can make your 'Real Age' as much as 1 year younger. The claim is that just one extra serving of citrus fruits each day may reduce the risk of cancers of the mouth, larynx, and stomach by as much as 50 percent. Researchers credit the antioxidant properties of vitamin C-rich citrus fruits for the possible cancer-fighting benefits. The study quoted is The health benefits of citrus fruits: report to horticulture Australia Ltd. Consumer Science Program/SCIRO Health Sciences and Nutrition, June 2003
This is an interesting study with some interesting Australian health statistics. The charts on pviii and ix of this report are excellent. Those of you who are interested in phytonutrients will be interested to find there are at least 4 carotenoids and 60 flavonoids in oranges. For more information on carotenoids, check also http://www.carotenoidcomplex.com/science/science7.html which has links to two useful articles including one by Kramer TR; Burri BJ of the US Dept. in the Agriculture in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Kinesiologists can test foods and supplements to see which ones improve meridian balance and raise Life Energy. Not all sources of fruit or vegetables will do this.Produce which is contaminated by sprays (or other chemical residues) will affect the muscle test and result in an adverse energetic response. Proper testing enables a person to refine which sources of fruits and vegetables (or supplements) work best for them and not just make generic decision to eat better. Many people will find that the extra money to purchase unsprayed or organic produce is worth the extra money because of the results of clear circuit muscle testing. (Note: Beware of health practitioners who simply do a 'muscle test' without using the refinements of clearing a circuit and using finger modes.)

Dr Bruce A. J. Dewe MD NZRK
17 January 2004

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